Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Pule's busy busy fortnight!

Kia Ora,

It’s been a very busy fortnight in Pule Class and it is only getting busier as the term moves forward.

This fortnight we have had the KidsCan Fun Run and we have also been to Auckland Museum where the Earthquake room was a big hit! We were also lucky enough to have Sports Auckland come into the school and work with our class.

We have also had Orienteering and Taekwondo and the students had a fantastic time doing this extra PE.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Film Festival

Kia ora,

This year Pule class has had the chance to participate in the Maniakalani Film Festival. This competition is held every year and dozens of schools participate. We had five groups from our class make films this year but only one could be put forward.

The film is called "The Chip Packet" and was made by Kali, Fatimah, Hamzah and Faisal. They worked tirelessly on this film so we hope you enjoy it.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Malo e lelei,

Pule class had a great time last week celebrating Tongan Language Week. Mr. Buzzo and some of the students came to school wearing traditional Tongan clothes! We also read stories from the Tongan people including "Why do bats hang upside down?".

The class finished the week by creating their own Tongan Language Week quiz!

As they say in Tonga 'Ogay 

Mr.Buzzo and the kids from Pule Class.

Flag of Tonga image and meaning Tonga flag - country flags

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Welcome to Cook Island week!

Kia Orana,

Welcome to our class blog for week 3! It is Cook islands language week and we have learnt new phrases and the names of days is Cook Islands Maori.

Did you know that "Kia Orana" is how they say hello on the Cook Islands?

We spent our art lessons making a Tivaevae for the school assembly.

Thank you,

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to Term 3! It is another busy term with lots of events on. 
There are zone sports for rugby, basketball and netball! 
Our concept in the senior school this term is water and we will be doing plenty of experiments and cleaning up a waterway as part of our learning.
Finally, we will also have a visit to the Auckland Museum later in August which is something we are looking forward too.

Mr. Buzzo

Friday, June 5, 2020

Kia Ora,

Welcome back to school for Term 2! It has been great to see so many smiling faces and to have a full classroom again.

Last week we immersed ourselves in all things Samoan for Samoan language Week and the students did work on all aspects of Samoan culture. This culminated in a whole school assembly which was
led by students from Pule Class, who did a fantastic job.

I look forward to seeing you all again as the term continues,
Mr. Buzzo

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Building Brilliant Blogs!

Kia ora bloggers! Today we have been learning about what we can share on our blogs. We realised that there are lots of different things you can share on your blog. We also learnt about different ways to make our own blogs more engaging. Here is Yazmine's infographic...

Do you think there is anything she has missed out?

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Hope you guys are having a good day,
Welcome back to school.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

 Hi Pule Class,

Welcome to Term 2! I know this is a bit strange and not how we would've pictured our school year going but lets make the most of this time. i hope you have all enjoyed your time at home with your families.

I will be conducting Google Meets everyday during the week until school goes back to normal and I will be putting up work for you most days. I will also be making Screencasts for anyone who gets stuck.
To access the Google Meets go to the class site and click on the words Google Meet which are underlined like this, as this is the link.

I am excited to get back to teaching and I hope I see most of you tomorrow for our Google Meet at 9:30.